Lake District, UK (2018)

Robert Bean and Barbara Lounder

Weather excellent until today
Gorgeous weather
Lovely weather
Today the weather is lovely
Weather not too good but not too bad
The weather is good though rather sullen today
We were favoured by the weather
Having excellent time despite recent poor weather
Still having a good time in spite of pretty bad weather
It is a lovely spot but the weather keeps cold and unsettled
Weather has been very nice and warm
The weather is very warm today
Having a fine time but the weather is rather damp
The weather is fine but cold
The weather is picking up nicely
Weather rather unsettled but lifting
Weather lovely yesterday but rain this morning.
Fine this afternoon Glorious weather
The weather is not too bad.
We have only had occasional showers
We are having delightful weather
The weather here is glorious.
We have only been in the rain once and that was yesterday
We are having a real nice holiday apart from the weather. Rain every day so far
Fine weather Sat. and this morning but wet now
The weather is very hot but occasionally there is a nice breeze
In spite of the usual weather we are having a very nice time
Weather continued fine and we hope it keeps like it
The scenery is wonderful and the weather is none too bad though one cannot get any clear views
Better weather than here Weather hasn’t been too bad.
We both have got burnt
Weather very poor but is absolute heaven to me up here
Some rain but on the whole the weather has been good
Weather warm up to the present Having wretched weather here - rained all day.
Annual rainfall 132 inches
We are having lovely weather It is very hazy weather
We are having a fine time although the weather has turned rather wet
Hope you are enjoying your holidays and having better weather than us, it has been rather wet
Weather fine and everything satisfactory
If the weather is anything like decent we hope to go to Southport tomorrow

In  drawings, images, words, and  objects,  Bean and Lounder present their observations of  the  natural  history  and  the  culture  of  walking  in  the  Lake     District  of  Cumbria,  England.  Being-­‐in-­‐the-­‐ Breathable is  a  multi-­‐part collaboration  considering  air  as  our  last  Commons;  where  we  breathe,  gasp  and  expire  together.  In  2017,  the  artists  presented  Being-­‐in-­‐the-­Breathable:  An  Annotated  Walk  at  the  Contexte  Festival  of  Ephemeral  Art  in  Sokolwsko, Poland.  The  current  exhibition  at   Hermes  is  part  2  in  this  series,  and  brings  together  creative  research,  walking  and  art  making  undertaken  by  Bean  and  Lounder in  the Lake  District,  intermittently  since 1999.

Robert Bean @2020